RentalPurchaseContact Us Choose a Size6x6m 15-20 people6x8m 20-30 people6x9m 20-40 people7.5x10 40-65 people10x12m 60-90 people10x15m 80-120 people20x15m 120-250 people20x30m 400-600 people Package 1Package 2Package 3 Stretchi Flex 780 XStretchi 3ply 580 XStretchi 1Ply 280 X Custom or semi permanent tents please upload a picture of the space the tent must go: Telephone+27 72 941 6093 +27 79 473 9101 Physical AddressUnit 99c, Bofors Circle, Epping 2, Cape Town, South Africa By Appointment Only Email Follow us on Instagram